Franco-Russian workshop on Algorithms, complexity and applications 2013

This event is the second Franco-Russian workshop around algorithmic complexity. The first workshop took place in Moscow in June 2010. The goal of this event is to gather French and Russian researchers that are interested in algorithmic complexity, including theory and applications. Several survey lectures are planned, as well as research talks and discussion sessions.

The Workshop will be held at the French-Russian J.-V. Poncelet laboratory.


The workshop will cover a range of topics related to algorithmic complexity:
  • computational complexity
  • Kolmogorov complexity
  • discrete dynamical systems (cellular automata, tilings, etc.)
  • algorithms on strings and graphs and their applications

Call for participation (text version).

Dates: June 21-23 2013

Organizing committee:

(see also CCR2013)
If you want to participate the workshop please send an email to one of the organizers.

Program of the workshop

List of participants

Workshop venue:

The Workshop will be held at the French-Russian J.-V. Poncelet laboratory located in downtown Moscow, several minutes walk from the Old Arbat street, see address and direction in Russian and in English.